
Crowdcoin is a crowdfunding platform on the Ethereum blockchain (Still in testnet) built by Tanim0la where organizations and individuals can start a fund raising campaign for different project or venture and also contribute to other campaigns using the native token of the Ethereum blockchain, Ethereum (ETH).

The Challenge

My friend Tanimola (A Solidity developer) built Crowdcoin as a portfolio project, he explained the concept to me and had me sold. With the wide adoption of Crypto through NFTs, Crowdfunding on the blockchain is not something far-fetched.

I mean, Imagine we had a reliable way to crowdfund on the blockchain during the END SARS PROTEST in Nigeria then there is no way the Government would have been able to frustrate funding of the protest.

He showed me how Crowdcoin works and as a designer, I noticed some flaws in the current design so I offered to redesign the entire experience making it easier for everyone to use not just Crypto enthusiast but also regular people who are looking for a better way to crowdfund.

The process

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Understanding the problem

To really understand the problem, I tested out Crowdcoin myself and performed Heuristic evaluation on the current application.

I also shared the link of the current application to my friends who also helped in testing after which I conducted an interview with them to know what they think about Crowdcoin which then informed the redesign.

I divided the testing into four activities/tasks which are the core features of Crowdcoin:

  1. Creating a campaign.
  2. Contributing to a campaign.
  3. Request withdrawal from your created campaign.
  4. Approving a withdrawal from a campaign you contributed to.